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The Dead Romantics


"One of the summer's hottest reads," Entertainment Weekly.

Florence Day is a ghost-writer with one big problem. She's supposed to be penning swoon-worthy novels for a famous romance author but, after a bad break-up, Florence no longer believes in love. And when her strict (but undeniably hot) new editor, Benji Andor, won't give her an extension on her book deadline, Florence prepares to kiss her career goodbye.

Although when tragedy strikes and Florence has to head home, the last thing she expects to see is a ghost at her front door. Not just any ghost, however, but the stern form of her still very hot - yet now unquestionably dead - new editor.

As sparks start to fly between them, Florence tells herself she can't be falling for a ghost - even an infuriatingly sexy one. But can Benji help Florence to realise love isn't dead, after all?

If you fell in love with The Love Hypothesis and The Hating Game, this laugh-out-loud romance packed with sizzling chemistry will give you all the feels!

"A refreshing rom-com about love, loss, and hope... the sparkling dialogue makes the characters come alive," Publishers Weekly.

  • Author: Ashley Poston
  • Manufacturer: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Language: Angļu valoda
  • ISBN code: 9780008566562
  • Cover type: Soft cover
  • Year of publication:2022
  • Number of pages:368

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Product description

Florence Deja ir "spoku rakstniece" ar vienu lielu problēmu. Viņai vajadzētu rakstīt apmulsuma cienīgus romānus slavenajam romānu autoram, taču pēc sliktās šķiršanās Florence vairs netic mīlestībai. Un, kad viņas stingrais (bet nenoliedzami seksīgais) jaunais redaktors Bendži Andors viņai nepagarina grāmatas termiņu, Florence gatavojas atvadīties no savas karjeras.

Lai gan, kad notiek traģēdija un Florencei jādodas mājup, pēdējais, ko viņa sagaida, ir spoks pie viņas durvīm. Tomēr ne tikai spoks, bet gan viņas joprojām ļoti karstā, taču tagad neapšaubāmi mirušā jaunā redaktora bargais veidols.

Kad starp viņiem sāk lidot dzirksteles, Florence sev saka, ka nevar iemīlēt spoku – pat satriecoši seksīgu. Bet vai Bendži var palīdzēt Florencei saprast, ka mīlestība tomēr nav mirusi?

Ja Jums iepatikās "The Love Hypothesis" un "The Hating Game", šī smieklu pilnā romantika, kas piepildīta ar dzirkstošo ķīmiju, sniegs jums visas nepieciešamās sajūtas!

"Atsvaidzinošs romāns par mīlestību, zaudējumiem un cerībām... dzirkstošais dialogs padara varoņus dzīvus," Publishers Weekly.

"Viena no vasaras karstākajām lasāmvielām," Entertainment Weekly.

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