This book is made from Writings transmitted direct from The Source through Guides. This is not a religious book and it does not refer to any one particular religion or belief.
These transmitted Writings are a most valuable Knowledge to be shared with All Mankind. With the confidence that they will give you Guidance to understand the Purpose of Life on Earth.
The author of the book, Patricia Bryce, is actually a ‘Channel’ rather than the ‘author’ of these Writings. She has been Tasked to deliver this beautiful Knowledge to every Reader, who is seeking the Purpose of Life on Earth.
Šī nav reliģiska grāmata, un tā neattiecas uz kādu konkrētu reliģiju vai ticību.
Šie nodotie Raksti ir visvērtīgākās Zināšanas, ar kurām jādalās ar visu cilvēci. Ar pārliecību, ka tie sniegs jums Vadību, lai izprastu Dzīves Mērķi uz Zemes.
Grāmatas autore Patrīcija Braisa (Patricia Bryce) patiesībā ir nevis šo Rakstu autore, bet gan "kanāls". Viņai ir dots uzdevums sniegt šīs brīnišķīgās Zināšanas ikvienam lasītājam, kurš meklē Dzīves Mērķi uz Zemes.
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