Bringing together three previously unpublished lectures presented to the public by Lacan at the height of his career, and prefaced by Jacques-Alain Miller, My Teaching is a clear, concise introduction to the thought of the influential psychoanalyst after Freud.
What does one discover in this book? First of all a language which, far from being jargon-heavy, has the ring of luminous clarity. Next, a sense of humour which delights in paradoxes, hops from one subject to another and takes the reader from the most elementary level to the most complex. A thought, of course, which cannot be easily summarized. A benevolence too, which reassures the layperson and helps when following the course of the talk. Finally, an immense fidelity which never ceases to invite us to reread Freud. - Elle
This is certainly a book to recommend to all those who want to have a look at what Lacan has to say but who are reluctant to tackle his Ćcrits or his Seminars. - Sciences humaines