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Secrets So Deep

Secrets So Deep


From the author of Dark and Shallow Lies comes a darkly atmospheric paranormal thriller, dripping with secrets and mystery.

Seventeen-year-old Avril doesn't believe in ghosts, but she knows there are lots of different ways for places and people to be haunted. Twelve years ago her mother drowned at Whisper Cove. Local legend claims that the women in the waves - the ghosts from an old whaling village - called her mother into the ocean with their whispering. Because, as they say at Whisper Cove, what the sea wants, the sea will have.

Avril has spent the past twelve years trying to make sense of the strange bits and pieces she does remember from the night she lost her mother. Stars falling into the sea. A blinding light. The odd sensation of flying. Now, at seventeen, Avril is returning to Whisper Cove for the first time as part of a summer theatre camp, and she hopes she might finally discover what really happened to her mother.

As Avril becomes more involved with camp director Willa and her mysterious son Cole, Whisper Cove reveals itself to her. Distances seem to shift in the strange fog. Echos of long-past moments bounce off the marsh. And Avril keeps meeting herself - and her dead mother - late at night, at the edge of the ocean.

The truth Avril seeks is ready to be discovered. But it will come at a terrible cost . . .

  • Author: Ginny Myers Sain
  • Manufacturer: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Language: Angļu valoda
  • ISBN code: 9780008494902
  • Cover type: Soft cover
  • Year of publication:2022
  • Number of pages:384

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Product description

Grāmatas "Dark and Shallow Lies" autora jaunais darbs ir drūmi atmosfērisks paranormāls trilleris, kas pilns ar noslēpumiem un mistiku.

Septiņpadsmit gadus vecā Avrila netic spokiem, taču viņa zina, ka ir daudz dažādu veidu, kā vietas un cilvēkus var vajāt. Pirms divpadsmit gadiem viņas māte noslīka Vispera alā. Vietējā leģenda vēsta, ka sievietes viļņos - spoki no veca vaļu mednieku ciemata - ar savu čukstēšanu iesaukušas viņas māti okeānā. Jo, kā runā par Vispera alu, ko jūra grib, to jūra dabūs.

Avrila ir pavadījusi pēdējos divpadsmit gadus, cenšoties izprast dīvainās lietas, ko viņa atceras no nakts, kad zaudēja māti. Zvaigznes krīt jūrā. Apžilbinoša gaisma. Neparastā lidojuma sajūta. Tagad, septiņpadsmit gadu vecumā, Avrila pirmo reizi atgriežas Vispera alas vasaras teātra nometnes ietvaros, un viņa cer, ka viņa beidzot varētu atklāt, kas īsti notika ar viņas māti.

Kad Avrila arvien vairāk sadarbojas ar nometnes vadītāju Vilu un viņa noslēpumaino dēlu Kolu, Vispera ala viņai atklājas. Šķiet, ka attālumi mainās dīvainajā miglā. Senas pagātnes mirkļu atbalsis izlec no purva. Un Avrila turpina satikties ar sevi – un savu mirušo māti – vēlu vakarā okeāna malā.

Patiesība, ko Avrila meklē, ir gatava, lai to atklātu. Bet tas maksās briesmīgi dārgi. . .

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