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Defy Me (5)


The breath-taking and heart-pounding fifth instalment in the incredible New York Times and UK kindle bestselling SHATTER ME series. Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard and Leigh Bardugo.

She was never meant for you. She was never meant for any of this. That girl was sentenced to death the moment I named her Juliette.

Juliette Ferrars isn't who she thinks she is. Nothing in her world is what it seemed. She thought she'd defeated The Reestablishment.

She thought she'd finally taken control of her life, her power, her pain. But a lifetime of lies unravelling before her has changed all that. Stronger, braver, and more resilient than ever, Juliette must fight for life and love.

But first she has to survive the war being raged against her mind. She has to remember who she was. Tahereh Mafi is the New York Times bestselling author of the Shatter Me series which has been published in over 30 languages around the world.

She is also the author of the ravely reviewed A Very Large Expanse of Sea. he was born in a small city somewhere in Connecticut and currently resides in Santa Monica, California, with her husband, Ransom Riggs, fellow bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, and their young daughter. She can usually be found overcaffeinated and stuck in a book.

You can find her online just about anywhere at @TaherehMafi. Praise for the Shatter Me series: "Dangerous, sexy, romantic, and intense. I dare you to stop reading." - Kami Garcia, #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of the Beautiful Creatures series "Addictive, intense, and oozing with romance.

I'm envious. I couldn't put it down." - Lauren Kate, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fallen series "Tahereh Mafi's bold, inventive prose crackles with raw emotion. A thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love, the Shatter Me series is a must-read for fans of dystopian young adult literature - or any literature!" -Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Praise for A Very Large Expanse of Sea: 'This is a gorgeous book.

It's tender and fierce, beautiful even as it depicts some ugly truths. The prose is passionate and honest, unsentimental and big-hearted. The very best books move you to reconsider the world around you and this is one of those.

I truly loved it.' - Nicola Yoon, bestselling author of Everything, Everything 'A raw yet astoundingly elegant examination of identity, loneliness and family that is unflinching in its honesty and power. Tahereh Mafi holds nothing back - and the reader is better for it.' - Sabaa Tahir, New York Times bestselling author of Ember in the Ashes 'A Very Large Expanse of Sea reads like a beautiful heart - one that shines and aches and yearns, and above all else, one that loves fiercely against all odds. Years from now, you will remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you experienced this.

A transcendent story about truth, love and finding joy.' - Marie Lu, New York Times bestselling author of the Legend series.'

  • Author: Tahereh Mafi
  • Manufacturer: HarperCollins Publishers
  • Language: Angļu valoda
  • ISBN code: 9781405291798
  • Cover type: Soft cover
  • Year of publication:2019
  • Number of pages:368

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Viņa nekad nebija domāta tev. Viņa nekad nebija domāta šim visam. Tai meitenei tika piespriests nāvessods brīdī, kad es viņu nosaucu par Džuljetu.

Džuljeta Ferrara nav tā, par ko sevi uzskata. Nekas viņas pasaulē nav tāds, kā šķita. Viņa domāja, ka ir uzvarējusi.

Viņa domāja, ka beidzot ir pārņēmusi kontroli pār savu dzīvi, spēku un sāpēm. Bet meli, kas atklājās, ir visu mainījuši. Spēcīgāka, drosmīgāka un izturīgāka nekā jebkad agrāk. Šobrīd Džuljetai jācīnās par dzīvību un mīlestību.

Bet vispirms viņai jāizdzīvo karš, kas plosās viņas prātā. Viņai ir jāatceras, kas viņa bija. 

Elpu aizraujošā un sirdi plosošā piektā daļa neticamajā New York Times un Apvienotās Karalistes iekārojamākajā "Shatter me" sērijā. Lieliski piemērota Sāras Dž. Māsas, Viktorijas Eivjārdas un Lī Bardugo faniem.

Tahereha Mafi ir New York Times bestselleru sērijas "Shatter Me", kas publicēta vairāk nekā 30 valodās visā pasaulē, autore. Viņa ir dzimusi nelielā pilsētā kaut kur Konektikutā un šobrīd dzīvo Santa Monikā, Kalifornijā, kopā ar savu vīru Ransomu Rigsu, grāmatas "Mis Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" autoru un viņu meitu. Viņu parasti var atrast ar pārmērīgu kofeīna devu rokās, iesprūdušu grāmatā. Sekojiet viņai Instagram un Twitter @TaherehMafi.

"Aizraujoša, lielu likmju sāga par sevis atklāšanu un aizliegtu mīlestību - sērija “Shatter Me” ir obligāta lasāmviela jebkuras literatūras-cienītājiem! ”- Ransoms Rigss.

"Tas pilnībā pārspēs jūsu cerības; Tahereha Mafi patiešām zina, ko pasniegt!" -

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