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Here's To Us


In the follow-up to their charming NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, What If It's Us, best friends Adam Silvera (They Both Die At The End) and Becky Albertalli (Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda) reunite to give Arthur and Ben another shot at true love.

From the creator of 13 Reasons Why, What If It's Us is soon to be a feature film!

Ben has spent his first year of college working on his fantasy manuscript with his writing partner Mario, who is a great Spanish tutor, and an even better kisser. So why can't he stop thinking about the fact that Arthur's back in town two years after they called it quits?

Arthur is in New York for a dream internship on Broadway, with a boyfriend back at home that he couldn't be happier with. But when he comes upon Ben cuddled up with a mystery boy, he starts to wonder if his feelings for Ben ever truly went away.

Even as the boys try to focus on their futures, they can't seem to help running into each other in the present. Is the universe forcing them to question if they're actually meant to be?

Possibly not. After all, things didn't work the first time around.
Possibly yes. After all, the sparks are still flying.
Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and raise a glass.

Here's to celebrating old friends!
Here's to embracing new beginnings!
Here's to believing in second chances!

  • Author: Adam Silvera, Becky Albertalli
  • Manufacturer: Simon & Schuster Ltd
  • Language: Angļu valoda
  • ISBN code: 9781398505209
  • Cover type: Soft cover
  • Year of publication:2021
  • Number of pages:480

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Product description

Bens ir pavadījis savu pirmo gadu koledžā, strādājot pie sava fantāzijas manuskripta kopā ar rakstīšanas partneri Mario, kurš ir lielisks spāņu valodas pasniedzējs un vēl labāks skūpstītājs. Tad kāpēc viņš nevar beigt domāt par to, ka Artūrs ir atgriezies pilsētā divus gadus pēc tam, kad viņi izšķīrās?

Artūrs atrodas Ņujorkā, lai piepildītu sapni par stažēšanos Brodvejā, un mājās ir puisis, ar kuru viņš nevar būt laimīgāks. Bet, kad viņš sastopas ar Benu, kurš ir kopā ar citu vīrieti, viņš sāk prātot, vai viņa jūtas pret Benu patiešām ir izzudušas.

Pat tad, kad zēni cenšas koncentrēties uz savu nākotni, šķiet, ka viņi nevar nejauši nesastapties tagadnē. Vai Visums liek viņiem apšaubīt, vai viņiem tas tiešām ir paredzēts?

Iespējams, nē. Galu galā viss nedarbojās pirmajā reizē.
Iespējams, jā. Galu galā dzirksteles joprojām lido.
Dažreiz jums vienkārši jātic liktenim un jāpaceļ glāzes.

Lūk, lai suminātu vecos draugus!
Lūk, lai aptvertu jaunus sākumus!
Lūk, lai ticētu otrajai iespējai!

Turpinot viņu burvīgo stāstu "What If It's Us", labākie draugi Ādams Silvera ("They Both Die At The End" autors) un Bekija Albertalli ("Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda" autore) atkal apvienojas, lai Artūram un Benam dotu vēl vienu iespēju patiesai mīlestībai. "13 Reasons Why" režisors, pēc "What If It's Us" motīviem drīzumā uzņems pilnmetrāžas spēlfilmu!

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